Doug Bruns

Doug Bruns

Mid-Atlantic, US
I’ve had the good fortune to travel extensively in pursuit of images and adventure. My work has appeared in publications, exhibits, and collections. Thank you for your interest in my effort.
Doing the Work

Doing the Work

I have been fascinated by the creative effort all my life. The study of great creative personalities has guided my own creative habits and efforts to a large degree.
3 min read
The Luck of Being Ready

The Luck of Being Ready

Matt Stuart writes, "If you don't have a camera on you at all times, you're not really a photographer."
2 min read
Breaking the Rules

Breaking the Rules

...for me, following your excitement and your instinct, in being fully present in the moment you might start to make your own rules, which is the path to a singular and artistic vision.
2 min read
The Mindful Photographer

The Mindful Photographer

As a means of expression, the pictures we take and share are little artifacts of our existence, shards of our being.
2 min read